Fortune 500 3M Innovate in New Year
发布于2011-10-24 16:04 | 次阅读
Released on 2011-10-24 16:04 | readings
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今年1月,以多元化科技和创新著称的世界500强企业3M公司向中国消费者推出“至In”的 3M 耐视优屏幕保护膜。3M 耐视优屏幕保护膜犹如“无形盾”,不仅为手机屏幕提供全面保护,更能带来清晰度和通透感极强的视觉体验。

长期以来,3M 公司利用其专有的膜科技结合纳米等多种专利技术开发出了众多的“膜家族”产品,汽车隔热防爆膜、建筑窗贴膜、电脑防窥膜、液晶显示增亮膜等,同时具备防刮擦和保真屏幕色彩的功能,而且在防污易清洁、易贴易移除和不留残胶等方面也要有优秀表现。3M耐视优屏幕保护膜运用业界创新技术,确保将上述特质全部呈现给不同需求的用户。

世界500强企业3M公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市,为国际公认的研发领域的企业先驱,基于对40多个卓越科技平台的开发和交互使用,开发了成千上万种创新产品,以满足广泛市场领域的客户需求。3M公司在全球超过60多个国家和地区设有分支机构,拥有75, 000多名员工,年营业额逾253亿美元。

3M中国有限公司于1984年11月在中国注册成立,是在经济特区之外成立的中国第一家外商独资企业。目前 3M 公司在中国建立了12家公司、7个生产基地、26个办事处、3个技术中心和1个研发中心,员工超过6,500人。根据《中国经济新闻》2010年的报道,3M华南生产基地一期项目总投资超过6,000万美元,占地5万多平方米,于2007年正式投产。

作为上海首家外商独资企业,3M市场领域包括工业、交通运输、电子通信、安防、医疗、建筑、文教、消费等领域。2010年3M在中国市场50%销售额来自于过去4年开发的新产品,10%的销售额来自过去1年开发的新产品,在中国已申请登记的发明项目为506个,申请中国国家专利达63个,申请国际专利技术达57个。3M 公司已连续20年获“上海市外商投资先进技术企业”称号。

In January, a diversified technology and innovation company known for its Fortune 500 reputation, 3M introduced to Chinese consumers the "very in" 3M screen protective resistance film, as the excellent screen for cell phones. 3M screen protector is like the "invisible shield", not only to provide the comprehensive protection for the phone screen, and also bring a strong sense of clarity and transparent visual experience to the consumers.

For a long time, 3M Company utilizes its proprietary membrane technology combined with nanotechnology and other proprietary technologies to develop many "film family" products, car heat proof film, building window films, computer Privacy Filter, LCD display by light film, along with anti-scratch, fidelity color screen functions, anti-fouling easy to clean, easy to paste and easy to remove and no residue, etc. also have excellent performance. 3M screen protective resistant film as the excellent use of innovative technology industry ensured that those functions above will meet the different needs of all users.

As one of the Fortune 500 companies, 3M headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, is internationally recognized as a pioneer in research and development, based on more than 40 superior technology platforms developments and interactive uses, has developed thousands of innovative products to meet the customer needs in wide range of market segments. 3M has set up branches in more than 60 countries and regions, with 75, 000 employees and an annual turnover of more than $ 25.3 billion.

3M China Limited was incorporated in November 1984 in China, in addition to the company establishments in special economic zones, which is China's first wholly foreign-owned companies. So far 3M has set up 12 companies, 7 production bases, 26 offices, 3 technical centers and 1 R & D center in china, with employers of over 6,500 people. According to "China Economic News" reported in 2010, 3M’s total investment in the first project of South China production base was more than $ 60 million, which covers an area of 50,000 square meters inaugurated in 2007.

As the Shanghai's first foreign-owned company, 3M market segments include industrial, transportation, electronic communications, security, medical, construction, culture, education, consuming and other fields. In 2010, the 50% sales of 3M in the Chinese market in the past four years came from the development of new products, 10% came from the development of new products in the past year, 506 inventions and 63 national patents have applied for registration. And there’re 57 international patents applications. 3M Company has received for 20 consecutive years "the Advanced Technology Enterprise of Shanghai Foreign Investment"

今年1月,以多元化科技和创新著称的世界500强企业3M公司向中国消费者推出“至In”的 3M 耐视优屏幕保护膜。3M 耐视优屏幕保护膜犹如“无形盾”,不仅为手机屏幕提供全面保护,更能带来清晰度和通透感极强的视觉体验。

长期以来,3M 公司利用其专有的膜科技结合纳米等多种专利技术开发出了众多的“膜家族”产品,汽车隔热防爆膜、建筑窗贴膜、电脑防窥膜、液晶显示增亮膜等,同时具备防刮擦和保真屏幕色彩的功能,而且在防污易清洁、易贴易移除和不留残胶等方面也要有优秀表现。3M耐视优屏幕保护膜运用业界创新技术,确保将上述特质全部呈现给不同需求的用户。

世界500强企业3M公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市,为国际公认的研发领域的企业先驱,基于对40多个卓越科技平台的开发和交互使用,开发了成千上万种创新产品,以满足广泛市场领域的客户需求。3M公司在全球超过60多个国家和地区设有分支机构,拥有75, 000多名员工,年营业额逾253亿美元。

3M中国有限公司于1984年11月在中国注册成立,是在经济特区之外成立的中国第一家外商独资企业。目前 3M 公司在中国建立了12家公司、7个生产基地、26个办事处、3个技术中心和1个研发中心,员工超过6,500人。根据《中国经济新闻》2010年的报道,3M华南生产基地一期项目总投资超过6,000万美元,占地5万多平方米,于2007年正式投产。

作为上海首家外商独资企业,3M市场领域包括工业、交通运输、电子通信、安防、医疗、建筑、文教、消费等领域。2010年3M在中国市场50%销售额来自于过去4年开发的新产品,10%的销售额来自过去1年开发的新产品,在中国已申请登记的发明项目为506个,申请中国国家专利达63个,申请国际专利技术达57个。3M 公司已连续20年获“上海市外商投资先进技术企业”称号。

In January, a diversified technology and innovation company known for its Fortune 500 reputation, 3M introduced to Chinese consumers the "very in" 3M screen protective resistance film, as the excellent screen for cell phones. 3M screen protector is like the "invisible shield", not only to provide the comprehensive protection for the phone screen, and also bring a strong sense of clarity and transparent visual experience to the consumers.

For a long time, 3M Company utilizes its proprietary membrane technology combined with nanotechnology and other proprietary technologies to develop many "film family" products, car heat proof film, building window films, computer Privacy Filter, LCD display by light film, along with anti-scratch, fidelity color screen functions, anti-fouling easy to clean, easy to paste and easy to remove and no residue, etc. also have excellent performance. 3M screen protective resistant film as the excellent use of innovative technology industry ensured that those functions above will meet the different needs of all users.

As one of the Fortune 500 companies, 3M headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, is internationally recognized as a pioneer in research and development, based on more than 40 superior technology platforms developments and interactive uses, has developed thousands of innovative products to meet the customer needs in wide range of market segments. 3M has set up branches in more than 60 countries and regions, with 75, 000 employees and an annual turnover of more than $ 25.3 billion.

3M China Limited was incorporated in November 1984 in China, in addition to the company establishments in special economic zones, which is China's first wholly foreign-owned companies. So far 3M has set up 12 companies, 7 production bases, 26 offices, 3 technical centers and 1 R & D center in china, with employers of over 6,500 people. According to "China Economic News" reported in 2010, 3M’s total investment in the first project of South China production base was more than $ 60 million, which covers an area of 50,000 square meters inaugurated in 2007.

As the Shanghai's first foreign-owned company, 3M market segments include industrial, transportation, electronic communications, security, medical, construction, culture, education, consuming and other fields. In 2010, the 50% sales of 3M in the Chinese market in the past four years came from the development of new products, 10% came from the development of new products in the past year, 506 inventions and 63 national patents have applied for registration. And there’re 57 international patents applications. 3M Company has received for 20 consecutive years "the Advanced Technology Enterprise of Shanghai Foreign Investment"

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